Student Discipline
- At Paññāsāstra International School, each student is treated with special attention.
- We believe that success in life depends on developing self-confidence, self-discipline with kind heart at the very young age.
- Each one is expected to maintain a strong discipline in all curriiculum and extra-curriculum activities.
- Therefore, each student must strictly abide to the following personal code of disciplines.
Cheating prepares student for failure and not for success. Cheating involves one or more of the following actions:
- To use the work of another as his/her own.
- To copy information from another student's test, examination, theme, book report, or term paper.
- To plagiarize - plagiarism means using another person's idea, expression, or writing without giving the original author credit.
- To prepare for a test in advance by (a) having in our possession a copy of a test, (b) using the test or notes during the test or examination without teacher's permission and (c) talking while taking quizzes, tests or examinations.
- To fail to follow test procedures or instructions announced by a teacher (such as no talking, no turning around in seat, raise hand to ask questions, etc.)
A student must be suspended from school when the seriousness of the offense happens. The following conditions are in effect:
- The student is in complete custody of his or her parents during the entire period of suspension.
- The student may not be on the campus during school or nonschool hours while being suspended.
- A stuent may not return to school from a suspension until a parent has met with a school administrator.
Sexual Harassment
The School Board is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free of harassment. The Board prohibits the unlawful sexual harassment of any student by any staff, teacher and student, or other person at school or at any student-related activity.
- Students shall be assured that they need not endure any form of sexual conduct or communication which impairsthe school.
- Students should immediately contact the principal or designee if they feel they are being harassed.
- The principal or designee shall immediately investigate any report of the sexual harassment of a student.
- Any student who engages in the sexual harassment of anyone at school or a school-related activity shall be subject to disciplinary action. The disciplinary action may include suspension or expulsion
It is unlawful to paint, draw, or mark graffiti on the back of the chairs, tables, walls, or bathrooms. Students are liable for disciplinary actions, including counseling, suspension or expulsion for any incidence of graffiti. Additionally, students and their parents are liable for the cost of graffiti removal. There is no place in Paññāsāstra International School where graffiti is permitted.
Attendance at school is mandatory. Although attendance policies vary from teacher to teacher, it is in your best interest to attend every class meeting. The regular school attendance is critical to a student's academic success. Reasons for this include:
- It contributes to high achievement and academic success
- It contributes to the high characteristics of responsible citizenship. Parents play an important role in developing sound habits and request for permission by parents or legal guardians attitudes about school attendance and good citizenship.
- Excused Absences: The only reasons accepted by the school as "Excused Absences" are: illness, medical,dental, optometric, chiropractic appointments, and treatments, funeral services of a member of immediate family.
- Unexcused Absences: All other absences will mark "Unexcused Absences." Paññāsāstra International School will not excuse student for family vacation, baby-sitting, transportation problem, oversleeping, etc.
- Justifiable Personal Absences:Students can be excused only for court appearance and immediate family religious ceremony and wedding or any other family special event with
- Special Circumstances:Absences due to special circumstances must be discussed with teachers.
- Tardiness:Tardiness will not be tolerated. It is very disruptive to educational process of every student to have students arrive late to class.
- Students who have repeated tardiness will result in disciplinary action and any additional consequences.
- Truancy: No student is permitted to leave school at recess or any other time before the regular hour of closing without the approval of the school principal or his or her designee. Violations will be considered as truancies.
Research has revealed that students who miss school regularly find it difficult to be successful academically. When a student is absent from school; please follow these procedures:
- Parents are asked to call school on the day the student is absent.
- Upon returning to school, students must have a written note from the parents giving dates and reasons for the absence, even if a phone call or personal contact have been made .
- A student will be issued a Permission or Readmit Slip, before school, for presentation to each teacher whose class he/she missed.
- A student is required to be in class on time, with the Readmit Slip in hand for each teacher to sign.
- No student is permitted to request absence for his/her friend or classmate.
Try to arrive ten or fifteen minutes before class begins. This will give student an opportunity to review his/her lecture notes from the day before and have a pen in hand when the teacher begins class.
Respect the Right of other Students
If you are waiting in the hallways for class to be dismissed, ensure that the center of the hall is clear so that people can pass. Since many classroom doors are kept open, please do not disturb the class that is still in session.
Closed Campus
Students are required to remain on campus during the entire period of required attendance at school. Permission to leave campus during school hours will be granted only upon request of a parent or legal guardian, the school nurse, or administrator. To be excused during school hours, a note from a parent must be presented to the attendance officer before school session. Students who leave campus without permission will be considered truant and will be assigned detention. The parent picking them up at a specific time must sign out students leaving campus at the Attendance Office(s)
Make up Homework Policy
Upon returning to school, students who are absent from school with "Excused Absences" will be allowed to make up all the missed assignments and tests. Parents may call the Attendance Office to request homework assignments for students who will be absent more than three (3) days. It is the student's and parents responsibility to ask for the make up assignments and tests from teacher.
Any work not made up will count against a student's grade. Students who are marked "Unexcused Absences" or Truant will not be permitted to make up any assignments or tests.
Physical Education Excuses
Students are expected to participate in Physical Education (PE) at assigned schedule. A student may be excused from an activity if a written excuse signed by the parent is given to the teacher. This excuse is valid for no more than three consecutive days. To be excused for a period longer than three days, a written statement from a doctor is required to be on file in the health office.